Make a pledge and help seed a new ecosystem by funding the testing of wellenton ID, a newly invented type of email that delivers technology tasks and entrepreneurial teaching to capable talent in need.

After spending 10 years as a Mr. Mom to newborn twins while selling video game accessories from the basement, I found myself stranded on this island called “Left-Behind”. Fortunately, my passion for the entrepreneurial process allowed me to regain control and build a new path back to relevance. But, the journey back was saturated with data request, tasks, gatekeeper interference, distractions, and fractured decision making. I consistently had to manage more with less while still making sure that nothing fell through the cracks. Fighting the perfect fight (without mistakes) for one day is doable, but having to fight that perfect fight over the course of multiple years is an almost impossible journey. Hence, the creation of our new type of email called wellenton id, a direct, robust, (platform-free) way to manage business communication and tasks over the internet.

Project Summary

Making sure that capable talent from unlikely places are in possession of technology that helps them build, manage, and efficiently, execute new opportunities, without having to rely on gatekeepers, is very important to us. Direct access to quality opportunity across an open internet, not only keeps our nation’s promise, but puts society in a stronger position to harvest innovative contributions from ALL of its best and brightest, even those residing at the bottom.

1:27 AM – Another Late Night

For the past 15+ years, my father and I, have always been working on our own separate side projects. Throughout this time, we often would work in the same vicinity, but we never really took the time to discuss our projects in detail. Intuitively, we just kind of knew and respected the fact that we’re each working on something close to the vest. But, on a random weeknight, in 2014, out of frustration, I turned and asked the former, 30 year, IBM veteran for some coding help. Disclosure, I can hack up a little bit of HTML code but I am NOT a programmer. A fifth grader can code more than I can. I had finished editing the HTML portion of a template but was thrown to the wolves when PHP and Javascript came into play. He sat down, looked at the code, and then asked me what was I trying to do? This was the first time that we had exchanged specific details about our projects. We chopped it up for a couple of hours and then he stated that I could possibly power my project with a new piece of technology that he had been developing, called emunikay framework. It turned out that we had similar visions of wanting to help talent grow and develop without being hindered by artificial barriers. I was fleshing out a new business infrastructure that was missing technology and he was fleshing out a new technological infrastructure that was missing the business framework. And just like that, an accidental question, turned into five years of collaboration and development which then produced Wellenton ID.

The World Intellectual Property Organization has given our patent pending, emunikay ID framework, its stamp of approval! PCT/US2011/067316

What is Wellenton ID?

Wellenton ID is a new type of email that doubles as a multitasking hub. Wellenton ID is in the prototype stage. We have a working demo that needs extensive testing. This product is NOT market ready.


We are still a ways off from having a commercially viable product. Yes, our initial core prototype modules have been designed and coded but now we need to conduct a large scale reliability and performance test with multiple users. We also need to start designing the User Interface and automate our ID generation process. Acquired feedback will be used to revisit and enhance prototype design. 2nd level programming improvements will be made where necessary.   

The main challenge we foresee is intermittent delays and disruptions due to the coordination of competing deadlines across volunteers, backers, and third party programmers. Because we opted not to pursue institutional investment at this juncture, money for development and testing is not in abundance. This is a bootstrap effort. Bootstrapping is building a company from the ground up with limited resources. Extremely limited resources can inhibit growth, prevent promotion, and even undermine the quality and integrity of the product or service envisioned. I will be making posts inside our newsletter to record progress and keep backers informed of our milestones and achievements. 

That being said, bringing a technology product to market is extremely challenging but not impossible. My father and I are both capable talents from overlooked places. I have over 20 years of sales and project management experience with small companies and startups while my father has accumulated over 30 years of programming experience as a Technical Lead for IBM. 

Where We’re At?

  • Working prototype in hand (proving patent claims)
  • World Intellectual Property Organization / PCT – Stamp of Approval
  • Submitted US Patent – Status: Pending – # PCT/US2011/067316
  • Architecture of Software – Incomplete
  • Description of Each and Every Feature – Incomplete
  • UI Design – Incomplete
  • Created Process For Manual ID Generation and Management
  • Prototype Testing and Demo Hardware – Complete
  • Onsite Live Demo Available

Our Next Step?

  • Write Design Document
  • Rewrite Entire Prototype Code (improve robustness)
  • UI Design – First Pass
  • Database Enhancement
  • Test Cases
  • Manual & Automated Testing
  • Manually Generate 1000 IDs
  • Recruit Test Audience

Step After Next?

  • Distribute 1000 beta IDs to Test Audience
  • Capture Feedback
  • Fix Bugs / Maintenance
  • Performance Analysis
  • UI Design – 2nd Pass
  • Automate The ID Generation and Management Process

2nd Step After Next?

  • Acquire 10,000 Individual ID Customers – Micro Market Launch
  • Capture Feedback
  • Fix Bugs / Maintenance
  • UI Design – 3rd Pass







Eventually, Wellenton ID will require a monthly subscription

$x.xx / mo TBD

Enabling platform-free networking with command functionality requires a setup that resembles website hosting. Each Wellenton ID acts like a web address or domain name that requires a yearly name registration. To envoke your ID’s functionality, server resources with bandwiith are needed for each activated ID.

We are funding our prototype test with a crowdfund model.

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