What is the wellenton ID project.

This project is a grassroots initiative that aims to seed a new, technological, ecosystem that will give capable talent who reside in overlooked places the ability to choose an alternative, platform-free, way to directly access their version of the American Dream without having to worry about getting boxed in by artificial barriers.

What did you invent?

We invented a new type of email that runs over our newly invented emunikay technological framework. This new email doubles as a multitasking hub that can carry out text and voice commands.

Did you file a Patent?

Yes, The World Intellectual Property Organization has given our patent pending, emunikay ID framework, its stamp of approval. Our filing number is PCT/US2011/067316

Has your Patent been approved?

No, it’s still pending.

Are investors involved?

No, this is still a father & son bootstrap effort.

How long have you been working on this project?

15 years

How much money have you put in?

$150K with 40K of that total going toward patent filing

Why is this project important?

Removing artificial barriers from individual uplift is the name of the game. You shouldn’t have to spin your wheels asking others for permission to grow your talent. Unfortunately, today’s mainstream platforms are turning into opportunity gatekeepers. A lot of control has fallen into the hands of a few. Independence is being lost as mainstream platforms increase censorship and restrict opportunities for monetization. The internet is a public resource for all. Our Platform Free technology helps to ensure that ALL talent, even those from unlikely places, can directly tap into quality opportunities across an open and decentralized internet. Seeding an alternative internet infrastructure that is eager to fund innovative ideas found at the bottom and at the top, will truly put our nation on a path toward long term success and to fulfilling the original definition of the “American Dream” as coined by James Truslow Adams.

What is the project’s most pressing need?

Test prototype code across a large audience to find bugs and validate assumptions.

How do you plan to fulfill this need?

We’re asking interested individuals to pledge $12, $39 or $79 to perform testing tasks.

Why seek pledges and donations for testing tasks?

To help pay for server bandwidth charges, prototype re-coding, and to begin manufacturing IDs to be stored in inventory for future use.

Do I receive anything for making a pledge?

Yes, we are gifting our 6×4 framed ethos and backers will receive free access to podcast and notes archive for one year.

What is difference between the $12, $39, and $79 pledge?

Pledge $79 is a full year test drive with a social component. You can forward a manufacturing task to a talent in need. This manufacturing task creates a new email ID. Follow the step by step process and a new email ID will be created and stored in inventory for future use. The person who receives your forward will earn $20 after task completion. You can forward to family member, friend, niece, nephew, son, daughter, or leave it up to us. This pledge also includes free access to b2flip podcast and Wellenton archive for one year and a 6×4 Ethos (Framed) Thank You gift will ship.

Pledge $39 is a full year test drive that includes free access to b2flip podcast and Wellenton archive for one year and a 6×4 Ethos (Framed) Thank You gift will ship.

Pledge $12 is a 30 day test drive that includes a 6×4 Ethos (Framed) Thank You gift.

What if I want to pledge more than the $12, $39 or $79?

To keep things simple – just increase the pledge quantity in the cart.

If I pledge more, how does that effect my gift?

1 qty pledge = (1) 6×4 framed ethos, 2 qty pledge = (2) 6×4 framed ethos, 3 qty pledge = (3) 6×4 framed ethos, and so on…..

How do I make a pledge?

Click pledge button

Is this pledge payment a subscription? Are you going to charge me each month?


I thought you said this technology requires a subscription?

Only the market ready version.

This is still a prototype?


When will this new technology will be ready for the open market?

I don’t know because this is the very beginning stage of trying to bring this technology to the open market. We have more pledge rounds to fulfill.

Are there risks and challenges?

We are still a ways off from having a commercially viable product. Yes, our initial core prototype modules have been designed and coded but now we need to conduct a large scale reliability and performance test with multiple users. We also need to start designing the User Interface and automate our ID generation process. Acquired feedback will be used to revisit and enhance prototype design. 2nd level programming improvements will be made where necessary.   

The main challenge we foresee is intermittent delays and disruptions due to the coordination of competing deadlines across volunteers, backers, and third party programmers. Because we opted not to pursue institutional investment at this juncture, money for development and testing is not in abundance. This is a bootstrap effort. Bootstrapping is building a company from the ground up with limited resources. Extremely limited resources can inhibit growth, prevent promotion, and even undermine the quality and integrity of the product or service envisioned. I will be making posts inside our newsletter to record progress and keep backers informed of our milestones and achievements. 

That being said, bringing a technology product to market is extremely challenging but not impossible. My father and I are both capable talents from overlooked places. I have over 20 years of sales and project management experience with small companies and startups while my father has accumulated over 30 years of programming experience as a Technical Lead for IBM. 

After I make a payment, how will I know to begin testing?

You will receive a notification.

What do you need me to do during the test?

Will there be any help or guidelines?


If a function doesn’t work or something weird happens during the test; what should I do?

Describe what happened in the feedback section

How much time do I have to complete the test?

14 days

How will I know when my testing time is up?

You will receive a notification.

What happens if I start the test but get distracted and don’t finish testing all of the functions within my slotted time frame?

Unfortunately, we have a lot of people waiting on the cue and we will take your feedback as is and move on to the next tester.

What happens if I receive the notification but never start the test?

Do I need to complete any extra steps at the end of test?

No, at the end of the test, you will not be able to log in.

What happens to my data at the end of the testing period?

All data gets deleted and wiped cleaned.

Will you provide progress reports and updates about the project?

Yes, at our newsletter

How often will you update us?


Where do I go to get the updates?